We have the ideal plan designed to match your needs

  • Annotate Basic Tool
  • Import options: Only COCO
  • Data Type: Only TXT and Images

30 USD/Month

  • Multiple Users 3 Users
  • Multiple projects
  • Import and reuse images and classes
  • Semantic segmentation
  • Import and reuse images and classes
  • Boundary annotation tools:
    Polygonal, Circular, Ellipse
  • Import options
    All Yolo formats (TXT), Coco (JSON), TensorFlow (CSV)
  • Autonotations - Automatic annotation based on pre-trained models Month: 2000 images additional image
  • Data Type: Only TXT and Images

180 USD/Month

All Included in Annotate PRO +

  • 5 Trainings per month
  • Unlimited basic deployments:
    (no tracking and monitoring of devices and network)


All Included in Train Plan +

  • 5 Networks Monitor and Control
  • Monitor the performance of your devices
  • Get data results of your network
  • Triggers to start and stop your model on devices

Additional Image Price
0-3000 0.018
3000-15000 0.015
15000-30000 0.013
Service Price
Training 35 USD
Deployment (Tracking and control) USD
Let's get in touch
  • Email Address
  • Street Address
    Parque España, Buenos Aires, Monterrey, NL, 64800.
  • Website URL